Which Hollywood actors were already rich before starting their acting career?

This is Eddie Redmayne.

This is Tom Hiddleston.

And this is Benedict Cumberbatch.

They all fit this profile.


Eddie Redmayne and Tom Hiddleston went to Eton College , where they were in the same school year as Prince William . This school is where future politicians and members of the British Royal Family attend.

To have a real dimension of Eton College in London, I think it’s best to post a photo of the place. He follows:

On the other hand, Benedict Cumberbatch studied at the prestigious and privileged Harrow School . It was from there that names like Winston Churchill and Lord Byron came from. Here’s an aerial photo of the school so you don’t forget:

Apparently, Cumberbatch had already been practicing his craft since his adolescence at Harrow.

The three are considered the richest and most privileged actors at the moment – although Hiddleston and Cumberbatch also attended the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) drama school and the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA) and are considered two of the best UK drama schools.

Apparently, when you have a great study base, climbing to the top becomes much easier. But make no mistake: to reach the top you need to have a lot, a lot of talent.

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